Monday 7 February 2011

Celebrate with me!

Have you seen the Tots 100 icon at the left hand side of the blog yet?
I've had it there for a few months now very proudly displaying my position which has ranged from 200 - 400 and considering it's the Tots 100 UK Parents Blog Index... I was ranking pretty low, but hey, I had the icon there to help kick me into getting better!

So this morning when I go check out the blog and see on the icon position #84 I sincerely could not believe it... I had to check on to see if it was true or was the icon bonkers??

Yes! I was #84, I had made it in the top 100!!!! Yay!!!!!!!

Seriously, I am pretty pathetic really, I even did a happy dance sitting in my chair and called my husband over to see it on the website... I had gone up 265 positions!

I guess I can't loose rhythm now, I have to keep climbing ;)

I'd like to thank our resident and guest authors for helping us get there too, if you want to join us or just write a guest post for our readers, please do get in touch.

So go on, do a little happy dance in your chair for me... but please, do make sure nobody is watching you or I DARE YOU to do a video of your happy dance post it on your blog and link it here (so people know why you are doing it!) and come and tell us by commenting below ;)

Come on... I dare you... if someone does it, I'll show you mine too!!

Monica x


and1moremeans5 said...

i only did this because you have a lovely fluffy tail ;)


Monica said...

hahaha That was lovely! My very first cheerleader xxxxxx

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