Thursday 14 January 2010

Crazy people at the airport in Portugal!

As probably many of you already know, I am Portuguese, I was born and brought up there until I was 10 years old at which time my mum decided to wizz me up and bring me to England to be with her (I was brought up with my nan).

I have now been here many more years than I was there and am as "English" as my next door neighbour.

A lot of you have probably been to France, Spain or Portugal on holidays and though you want to stay there forever! I am exactly like that except I was born in Portugal, speak the language and have many fond childhood memories.

I miss the weather (don't we all! lol) and the warmness of the people.
Sometimes I think I would love to go and live there, "immigrate", but then we would have to start all over again & life is very hard over there, specially considering I have 2 small children.

My mum is the total anti-Portugal, she loves her country and her people but says it's only great for holidays not for living.

Sometimes I wonder if I would be happier with a simpler life in the sun?

The video below just shows you a bit of the creativity & friendliness they have over there. You'll have fun watching it but you can tell they had a blast doing it!

PS. TAP= Tap Air Portugal, ANA= same as BAA in England

1 comment:

TLC Inspirations said...

Those are my absolutely favorite kind of videos to watch! It's amazing how one person's energy can dramatically affect another's. All those people, standing around in the airport, waiting, probably agitated for one reason or another and then something spontaneous and wonderful...and in a matter of seconds, they are smiling, dancing and have forgotten about the line they're standing in. Marvelous! I wish the states were more like that :)

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