Saturday 26 February 2011

Helpful Pregnancy Tools

When I was first pregnant with my son back in 2005 I bought lots of books and researched a lot on absolutely everything to do with my baby.... typical first time mum!

One thing that was really helpful too was the pack that they gave me at my first midwives appointment, it came with lots of information booklets, some leaflets and an invitation to join Bounty.

Bounty for those that are not aware of it yet is a Parenting Club website, not just forums for mummies and mummies to be to share experiences, seek advice and so on but it is also a great website with some great tools for pregnancy.

The one I used most often while I was pregnant was the pregnancy week by week, this allows you to have a look at what is happening with your baby on any particular week and gives you a picture of a baby inside its mothers tummy to help you visualize what your baby can look like at that stage. I have since then used this tool again to show my son what his sister looked like when I was pregnant with her.

My little ones were planned and as soon as my pregnancy tests told me I was pregnant I wanted to know my pregnancy due date before I managed to get to the GP, I am very impatient as you probably know by now!
One thing I didn't use was their Ovulation Calendar its basically a ovulation calculator that lets you input details about your menstruation and then tells you when you are ovulating. This is a great tool if you are trying to get pregnant, so you can do it at the right time! ;)

Bounty was and is really useful to me it has lots of information that is really useful specially for first time parents but there are also special offers, discounts, competitions and great support forums for all parents.

I hope you get as much out of their website as I do.

Monica x

1 comment:

PippaD said...

I lived on bounty when I was pregnant and TTC, always working out what my due date would be or what it could be lol.

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